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Return to Report Troubling News

Daily Report

May 13, 2024

Tolerance for Me, But Not for Thee! ‘Hateful’ Conservative Man on ABC’s ‘Station19’ Needs Rescuing by Gay Liberal Sister

Why Troubling News:

This article is extremely biased to a concerning amount. It has a clear conservative bias (which is easy to tell given the source) that is taken to extreme measures. In the title, placing the word "hateful" in between air quotes emphasizes how the author does not believe the man is being actually hateful. Additionally, by referring to the character as a "gay sister" is very telling; she cannot be just his sister, but must be followed by the adjective "gay."


  1. LuckyGiraffe2

    This is one of the most biased articles I have ever personally seen, and it doesn’t even seem as if they try to hide it. Your synopsis captures most of the main points in the issues of the article, …Read MoreThis is one of the most biased articles I have ever personally seen, and it doesn’t even seem as if they try to hide it. Your synopsis captures most of the main points in the issues of the article, especially the adjectives they use as descriptors to downplay certain liberal ideologies. The article is riddled with hatred and misinformation, which seems quite troubling. Read Less

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