Unbiased Politician Stances Tracker 
Our primary goal is to ensure that bias doesn’t interfere with your electoral decisions, allowing you to make informed choices based solely on the candidates’ own words.
We achieve this by tracking and presenting direct quotes from the candidates themselves, thereby showcasing their stance on various policies.
The quotes are from the politicians themselves and usually within the last four years.

Our primary goal is to ensure that bias doesn’t interfere with your electoral decisions, allowing you to make informed choices based solely on the candidates’ own words.
We achieve this by tracking and presenting direct quotes from the candidates themselves, thereby showcasing their stance on various policies.
The quotes are from the politicians themselves and usually within the last four years.
(U.S. Presidential Election 2024)
"We have to be strong and powerful. Thats why when Im re-elected, I will continue to fight against the demented late-term abortionists in the Democrat Party who believe in unlimited abortion on demand and even executing babies after birth,"
ResultsRight Perspective: “Former President Trump vowed to ‘protect women at a level never seen before’ if elected, and to ensure that ‘powerful exceptions’ for abortion are adopted across the nation[…]” “In his post, Trump wrote that women ‘will no longer be thinking about abortion, because it is now where it always had to be, with the states, and a vote of the people—and with powerful exceptions, like those that Ronald Reagan insisted on for rape, incest, and the life of the mother—but not allowing for Democrat demanded late term abortion in the 7th, 8th, or 9th month, or even execution of a baby after birth.'”Left Perspective: “Trump also has been repeating the narrative that he returned the question of abortion rights to states, even though voters do not have a direct say on that or any other issue in about half the states.” “In his first year as president, he said he was ‘pro-life with exceptions’ but also said ‘there has to be some form of punishment’ for women seeking abortions — a position he quickly reversed.”For
"You want to talk about this is what people wanted? Pregnant women who want to carry a pregnancy to term, suffering from a miscarriage, being denied care in an emergency room because health care providers are afraid they might go to jail and shes bleeding out in a car in the parking lot?"
ResultsRight Perspective: “Lies spread by Vice President Kamala Harris, the radical Left, the media, and the abortion industry led to two women in Georgia suffering tragic and needless deaths after experiencing complications from chemical abortions. No state, including Georgia, punishes a woman for seeking medical care after an abortion, an attempted abortion, an ectopic pregnancy, a medical miscarriage, or any other pregnancy-related complications.”Left Perspective: “Here’s the undeniable truth: Vice President Kamala Harris is the only person running for president that we can trust to protect access to abortion. Kamala Harris has spent her acreer fighting to protect access to sexual and reproductive health- and for the last two years as states have banned abortion, she has used her time and position to lift up and listen to abortion providers, patients, and advocates, including by being the first vice president in history to visit a Planned Parenthood health center.”For
"To Minnesotans, know that your access to reproductive health, and your right to make your own health care decisions, are preserved and protected, and because of this law, that wont change with the political winds and the makeup of the Supreme Court."
ResultsRight Perspective: “Minnesota law used to guarantee lifesaving care for infants who survive abortion. In 2023, though, the legislature and Gov. Walz repealed the requirement that ‘reasonable measures consistent with good medical practice’ be taken ‘to preserve the life and health of the born alive infant.’ Under the new language, then, any viable infant, whether born as a result of abortion or not, could be denied lifesaving care and allowed to die. Babies born with disabilities, whose lives are often devalued, could be especially at risk.”Left Perspective: “Abortion is already legal in Minnesota, but in the aftermath of the US Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, the Protect Reproductive Options Act goes a step further by outlining that every person has the fundamental right to make ‘autonomous decisions’ about their own reproductive health as well as the right to refuse reproductive health care… With the passage of the bill, Minnesota is now the first state to codify abortion via legislative action since Roe v. Wade was reversed… Following the governor’s signature of the bill, the White House applauded Minnesota’s efforts, pointing to the popular support for women’s rights to make their own health care decisions.”- Dropped Out Candidates
"For decades I have said Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided. Today, the Supreme Court overturned the abortion ruling and returned the issue to the states. Arkansas is a pro-life state, and we are able now to protect life."
"I would not sign an abortion ban of any kind. If you’re going to be pro-life, how about we be pro-life for the whole life."
"Protecting the reproductive rights of women and ending all forms of patriarchy"
"Make no mistake: If Congress passes a national abortion ban, I will veto it."
"Those who oppose abortion are not ‘anti-women #ProLife"
"Blocking the World Health Organization endangers everyone."
"The Dobbs decision was a victory for life and democracy. As a result, states have passed life-saving laws and helped promote a culture of life across the nation. The fight is far from over. There should be broad consensus at the federal level to end late-term abortion, make adoption easier, support pregnant mothers, and safeguard religious liberties. More must be done, and as president, I will never stop trying to save as many babies and support as many mothers as we can."
"I believe a decision to abort a child should be up to the women during the first three months of life, but added: Once a child is viable, outside the womb, I think then the state has an interest in protecting the child."
"Today we celebrate the anniversary of the Dobbs decision. Florida is proof that with bold leadership we can expand pro-life protections & provide more resources for mothers and families. I will always champion a culture of life."
"I’m unapologetically pro-life. Its not a womans rights issue, its a human rights issue."
Affirmative Action
"People with extraordinary ability and everything else necessary for success, including future greatness for our country, are finally being rewarded, he said, adding, Were going back to all merit-based and thats the way it should be!"
ResultsRight Perspective: “‘When I return to the White House, I will fire the radical left, accreditors that have allowed our colleges to become dominated by Marxist maniacs and lunatics,’ the former president continued. ‘We will then accept applications for new accreditors who will impose real standards on colleges once again, and once and for all.’ […] Trump also said, if elected, he would direct the Justice Department to ‘pursue federal civil rights cases against schools that continue to engage in racial discrimination.” Trump added that schools ‘that persist in explicit, unlawful discrimination under the guise of equity will not only have their endowments taxed, but through budget reconciliation.'”Left Perspective: “As part of a larger backlash against racial justice efforts […] the 2025 Presidential Transition Project has now made its anti- diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies a cornerstone of their continued attacks on racial equity and free speech. In addition to abandoning civil rights enforcement on behalf of marginalized groups, Trump and his supporters plan to intensify right wing attacks on education, employment, and economic opportunity initiatives, and to censor academic discussions about race, gender, and systemic oppression […] we can expect a second Trump administration to supercharge efforts to reverse gains in civil rights and racial justice in America. Specifically, Trump has promised to continue his attacks on so-called “divisive concepts” and take federal funding from schools with curricula, books, or classes that address race, racism, gender, and sexuality. Trump has also promised to eliminate school administrator positions that oversee DEI initiatives.”For
"It rolls back long-established precedent and will make it more difficult for students from underrepresented backgrounds to have access to opportunities that will help them fulfill their full potential"
ResultsRight Perspective: “Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., also celebrated the end of affirmative action, declaring ‘students will be able to compete based on equal standards and individual merit,’ and that the decision ‘will make the college admissions process fairer and uphold equality under the law.'”Left Perspective: “‘Today’s Supreme Court decision is a denial of opportunity. It’s not about being colorblind. It’s about being blind to history, blind to empirical evidence about disparities, and blind to the strength that diversity brings to classrooms,’ Harris said on Twitter. The decision has been derided by universities, liberal activists and the Black community, who claim it will create more barriers for people of color to gain access to higher education.”For
"In Minnesota we know that diversity in our schools and businesses reflects a strong and diverse state. One thing is very clear: Minnesota is strong and well continue working to ensure that everyone has a fair shot to succeed here."
ResultsRight Perspective: “A federal lawsuit claims Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz uses ‘blatant discrimination’ and affirmative action in appointing members of the Minnesota Board of Social Work. ‘Treating people differently according to immutable characteristics like race violates the very notion of equality before the law,’ [the Pacific Legal Foundation] said in a statement. ‘People should be treated as individuals, not as members of a group they did not choose.'”Left Perspective: “The goal of the program, administered by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education (OHE) on behalf of Walz, is to boost recruitment of black people and members of other ethnic groups underrepresented in the state’s teaching workforce. ‘The Equal Protection Project calls on Governor Walz to use his executive authority to end racial discrimination by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education regarding the Aspiring Teachers of Color Scholarship, which he signed into law and funded,’ William Jacobson, a clinical law professor at Cornell University, added.”- Dropped Out Candidates
"The recent Supreme Court ruling strikes a blow against identity politics. Its time to move beyond race-based admissions. Colleges are supporting diversity by reducing legacy preferences and increasing financial aid,”."
"Affirmative action is something that I think is very crucial and necessary. "
"We cannot let the Supreme Court’s decision on affirmative action be the last word.Here’s what my Administration is doing:The Biden-Harris Administration Is Taking Action in the Wake of the Supreme Court Upending Precedent and Effectively Ending Affirmative Action in Higher Education Admissions by: Proposing a new standard for colleges and universities, when selecting among qualified applicants, to take adversity into account. Providing colleges and universities with clarity on what college admissions practices and programs to support student body diversity remain lawful convening a National Summit on educational opportunity. Releasing a report on strategies for increasing diversity and educational opportunity in colleges and universities, including ways to meaningfully consider adversity. Increasing transparency in college admissions and enrollment practices. Supporting states in analyzing data to design programs that increase educational opportunity for underserved communities."
"Affirmative action also discriminates against Asian Americans who have the temerity to work hard, make good grades and perform well on standardized tests, only to find themselves penalized when it comes to admission into the college or university of their choice. Discrimination to fix historical discrimination is still discrimination. Affirmative action is divisive, undermines merit and does more harm than good. When it has been put to voters in states like California and Michigan, it has been voted down."
"Excellent. The government should have no power to tell a woman what to do with her body."
"The world admires America because we value freedom & opportunity. SCOTUS re-affirmed those values today. Picking winners & losers based on race is fundamentally wrong. This decision will help every studentno matter their backgroundhave a better opportunity to achieve the American dream. "
"Regarding the Supreme Court banning affirmative action in higher ed I know many Americans feel that purely race-based decisions are unfair. However, this feeling misses important context. The effects of racist policies going back centuries are now self-perpetuating."
"College admissions should be based on merit and applicants should not be judged on their race or ethnicity.The Supreme Court has correctly upheld the Constitution and ended discrimination by colleges and universities."
"Now that the Supreme Court finally ended affirmative action, colleges will only further deprioritize SAT scores in favor of subjective factors because of large racial disparities in test results. Theres a simple way forward that will drive excellence and diversity of talent among incoming college classes: the College Board should add a physical fitness section to the SAT, instead of just math and reading sections. This could mirror the Presidential Fitness Test consisting of a 1-mile run, pull-ups, sit-ups, shuttle run, etc. regularly administered across American high schools until the Obama White House disband it. This is a pro-merit solution that rewards diverse talents: its a fact that those who perform well on math & reading tests tend to perform more poorly on the 1-mile run, and vice versa. This would also help address a growing mental health crisis in our country: physical fitness correlates directly with lower rates of depression, anxiety, and drug use. This is not formally part of my Presidential platform but its a serious proposal to address multiple cultural & health challenges with a single actionable step: most solutions shouldnt come top-down from government."
America First
"America is leading again, proving that America First does not mean America alone by revitalizing relationships with countries that share our goals and interests while combating radicalism and extremism."
ResultsRight Perspective: “From January 2017 to January 2021, America’s pragmatic, interests-driven transactional engagement with other nations coupled with strong pro-American economic and energy policies at home helped make America more secure and more prosperous than at any point in recent years.”Left Perspective: “Trump has also neglected (and sometimes poisoned) bilateral relationships around the world, at times treating American adversaries more respectfully than our allies, while withdrawing from several international treaties and organizations that benefit American interests.”Against
"However, there are some in the United States who disagree. They suggest it is the best interest of the American people to isolate ourselves from the world, to flout common understandings among nations, to embrace dictators and adopt their repressive tactics, and abandon commitments to our allies in favor of unilateral action. Let me be clear: That worldview is dangerous, destabilizing, and indeed short-sighted. That view would weaken America and would undermine global stability and undermine global prosperity."
ResultsRight Perspective: “People in the middle know that America First policies will be better for the middle class compared to the radical Left policies of Harris and Biden. Independents by a large margin (34%) trust America First policies to better handle the crisis at the southern border compared to the open border policies of Harris-Biden, which caused the current illegal immigration crisis. Americans who don’t identify with either major party know America First policies stand with police and will make their communities safer compared to Harris, who supports cashless bail, decriminalization, and the ‘Defund the Police’ movement, and who raised money to bail out the rioters, looters, and arsonists from the 2020 BLM riots.”Left Perspective: “Harris has signaled she would continue Biden’s strong support for NATO and other international alliances. Biden rallied the military alliance to oppose Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and views it as one of his chief accomplishments in office. Harris’ own foreign policy views have been obscured by Biden’s, and she had relatively little experience before joining the administration. But there’s no sign Harris would go in a different direction, saying in 2022 that the U.S. has ‘an unwavering commitment to NATO.'”Nuanced
"Trade can be a powerful tool for good, but as weve seen in the past with agreements like NAFTA, sometimes these agreements work against the American worker. We need a trade deal thats fair, that restricts currency manipulation, promotes Made in America manufacturing, and opens foreign markets for our agricultural products."
ResultsRight Perspective: “What both Harris and Walz also share is a record of skepticism of some free trade agreements in recent years, including the Obama-era Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. Walz was one of the few Democrats to vote no in 2015 on giving then-President Barack Obama the authority to negotiate that agreement. Walz also has decades of personal experience with China, which could be a factor. He taught English in China in 1989 and returned dozens of times since. He still reportedly speaks Mandarin and served in Congress on the Congressional-Executive Commission on China.”Left Perspective: “Walz represented a rural district in Congress and then was governor of agriculture-heavy Minnesota as Trump’s tariffs went into effect. When China retaliated, that caused a loss of access to Chinese markets for many of Walz’s agriculture-dependent voters. In 2019, Walz highlighted how tariffs hurt farmers and said then-President Trump ‘needs to start doing his job and end the trade war with China.’ … ‘I think that [his] background makes him a voice for maybe some liberalization,’ [Gary] Hufbauer [of the Peterson Institute for International Economics] said.”- Dropped Out Candidates
"If we want to truly love this country, we have to learn to love each other again. We have to share a common purpose and a common belief in goodness of this country and of each other."
"America needs a 180 degree change in direction from where Joe Bidenhas taken us! Donald J. Trump will make America great again!"
"MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards. Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love."
"I am an America-first, MAGA candidate, but I also talk about issues the other candidates dont, including the epidemic of fatherlessness in the US and the deadly lie that America is systemically racist."
"Todays Supreme Court decision barring Affirmative Action in college admissions is an unfortunate step backward in Americas commitment to social justice. But the deeper problem is that such programs should have ever been necessary to begin with. Systemic racism begins in early childhood in the United States, and dealing with it there is how we will override the deepening racial injustices only exacerbated by todays decision. Unequal opportunity in childhood education is where the problem begins and where we will ultimately solve it My commitment is to radically increase Americas commitment to every American child – to make every public school a palace of learning, culture and the arts"
"Its not America first to withdraw from the world. Its not America first to praise dictators who want to kill Americans. Its not America first to bankrupt social security…Thats what we get with Donald Trump. I am running for president to restore a country that’s strong and proud."
"Ive actually shown an ability to implement America First policies more effectively than Donald Trump did."
"This entire campaign is about speaking the TRUTH. We did not achieve our goal tonight & we need an America-First patriot in the White House. The people spoke loud & clear about who they want. Tonight I am suspending my campaign and endorsing Donald J. Trump and will do everything I can to make sure he is the next U.S. President. I am enormously proud of this team, this movement, and our country."
Black Lives Matters Politicization
"Left-wing mobs have torn down statues of our founders, desecrated our memorials and carried out a campaign of violence and anarchy… Whether it is the mob on the street, or the cancel culture in the boardroom, the goal is the same: to silence dissent, to scare you out of speaking the truth and to bully Americans into abandoning their values."
ResultsRight Perspective: “White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany explained the president’s comments at Wednesday’s press briefing. ‘He agrees that all black lives matter including of that of Officer David Dorn, Patrick Underwood, two officers whose lives were tragically taken amid these riots, all black lives do matter, he agrees with that sentiment,’ she began. ‘But what he doesn’t agree with is an organization that chants, “pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon,” about our police officers, our valiant heroes who are out on our streets protecting us every day,’ she added.”Left Perspective: “President Donald Trump has developed a harsh vocabulary list for those involved in the Black Lives Matter protests, calling those in the streets everything from ‘terrorists’ and ‘anarchists’ to ‘thugs.'”For
"We must always continue speaking these words: All Black Lives Matter."
ResultsRight Perspective: “Harris also praised the “brilliance” and “impact” of Black Lives Matter, without criticizing the ongoing violence at rallies held in the organization’s name in cities across the country, nor the shooting of two police officers in Louisville. “I actually believe that ‘Black Lives Matter’ has been the most significant agent for change within the criminal justice system,” the former California Attorney General said.”Left Perspective: “In her first solo speech as Democratic vice presidential nominee, Senator Kamala Harris vowed to stand with the protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, as many in the country reel from the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man who was unarmed, in Wisconsin on Sunday.” “The California senator also condemned the pockets of violence that ensued after Blake’s shooting. ‘We must always defend peaceful protest and peaceful protesters. We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter, who was arrested for murder. And make no mistake we will not let these vigilantes and extremists derail the path to justice.'”For
"Minneapolis and St. Paul are on fire. The fire is still smoldering in our streets. The ashes are symbolic of decades and generations of pain, of anguish unheard. Now generations of pain is manifesting itself in front of the world and the world is watching."
ResultsRight Perspective: We expressed the seriousness of the situation. The urgency was clear,’ [Minneapolish mayor, Jacob Frey] told the Star Tribune, while providing text messages between him and the governor. ‘He did not say yes,’ Frey said of Walz, 56. ‘He said he would consider it.’ Days later, Walz stood outside the smoldering Third Precinct police station and accused Frey of losing control of his city, calling the response an ‘abject failure.’ Frey, 39, described it as a ‘hit in the gut.’ ‘Not just for me, but for so many in our city that were doing everything they could. Everyone was pouring themselves into stemming the violence,’ he said.”Left Perspective: “Experts say the rhetoric aimed at Walz’s National Guard activation oversimplifies a chaotic and complicated moment. ‘I don’t think city officials or the governor knew exactly what to do,’ [Rachel Moran, an associate professor of law at St. Thomas University and an expert on police accountability,] said. ‘But that’s very different than saying he stood by and let it burn. I absolutely wouldn’t agree with that.’ John Harrington, the state’s public safety commissioner at the time, told MinnPost in 2023 that officials in Minneapolis typically do not request state assistance for protests ‘because most of the time, Minneapolis handles their own business.'”- Dropped Out Candidates
"The death of George Floyd is such a landmark site in America, and its troubling to anybody who appreciates law enforcement and their role in public safety. To see the death in such a way that George Floyd is crying out, I cant breathe, I cant breathe, you understand the outrage that the American people feel, the outrage that I feel, the disappointment that we have in law enforcement officers who are sworn to uphold the law, and yet, they cross every line and abuse the system. They dont honor the system. They dont honor the rule of law and justice. During this time, its my job as governor to make sure that those who want to express themselves as demonstrators, as protestors that are peaceful that they are protected and that they have the right to exercise the First Amendment."
"The problem is this, there’s lawlessness in this country, They’ve been chanting in the streets for the murder of police officers"
"In the end, if you really want Black people to be free, and I do, Black people will never be free under a system of predatory capitalism. We will never be free under a system with imperial tentacles, [we] will never be free with Pentagon elite running amok with militaristic policies and killing people in Latin America and in the Caribbean, and so forth."
"As for the Black Lives Matter march, Burgum says We came through it without a fire; we came through it without any serious injuries, Thats something to be said. […] Its lost when it moves from a peaceful protest to what I think can only be described as an organized riot, […] If you want to have a dialogue in North Dakota, all you have to do is ask."
"When Black small businesses grow, the community benefits. Since Kamala and I entered office, Americans have filed 15 million applications to start new businesses. Its led to the fastest growth in Black business ownership in 30 years."
"You use the word “we.” What gives this person the power to talk about “we”? I just saw a poll recently that said the majority of Black Americans are either extremely proud or very proud to be American. So this individual was speaking for himself, not for Black people."
"No, I do not denounce Black Lives Matter! It is not a “Black supremacist group;” it is a Black equality and justice group. I have great admiration for those who started it and for the movement they initiated. It was long overdue."
"We had a horrific shooting at a church where white supremacists came in and killed nine amazing souls. BLM, all of that, we never had to deal with riots. We never had to call in the National Guard, Ron, because when we had both of those shootings, we were able to pull people together. We didnt have riots, we had vigils. We didnt have protests, we had prayer. We brought people together."
"Kennedy says that black Americans endured injustice and Black Americans are going to be a principal priority for me, particularly in ending that fear of dangerous interaction with law enforcement, […] We need systemic changes. We need to remove qualified immunity, which would make it necessary for an individual to consider his liability with every interaction. Every good […] system [should] incentive good behavior and punish bad behavior. […] [reorganization of police] instead of being in combat mode when they come into the Black community.[…] The medical system is not attuned to taking care of Black patients. Being a Black patient in this country is almost as dangerous as being a Black prisoner. […] And the food made available in many Black communities is highly processed and loaded with chemicals and hormones. […] Its making African Americans sicker. […] the system is predatory toward Black Americans."
"Remember when so-called public health experts said it was ok to have mass gatherings if you join the BLM protests but that it was not ok to protest lockdowns?"
"We hear about black lives matter all the time, but the fact is that a black baby is safer in a park, by himself, in the inner city of Chicago than he is in his black mothers womb. This is sad and we need to change it because *all* lives matter."