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June 9, 2024

Is global warming is the most significant threat to humanity?

Total votes: 8


  1. FearlessHusky1

    Global warming is indeed a pressing issue, however I think the threat of global armed conflicts and the return to authoritarian forms of government are more imminent.
    I mean, it’s been said over and
    …Read MoreGlobal warming is indeed a pressing issue, however I think the threat of global armed conflicts and the return to authoritarian forms of government are more imminent.
    I mean, it’s been said over and over again that history is cyclical so I don’t think this comes as a surprise at all.
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  2. LuckyHusky1

    While global warming is a threat to humanity, I do not think it is the most significant one at this moment. There is a lot of conflict throughout nations in the world that are resulting in deaths of …Read MoreWhile global warming is a threat to humanity, I do not think it is the most significant one at this moment. There is a lot of conflict throughout nations in the world that are resulting in deaths of millions. Also, there are so many people without basic human rights such as food and water throughout the world which I feel is more important to address. Read Less

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  3. GraciousPolar Bear4

    Climate change is interesting because it is the most significant threat we face, but not necessarily the most immediate. It is likely to eventually destroy our planet but it could take a long time for …Read MoreClimate change is interesting because it is the most significant threat we face, but not necessarily the most immediate. It is likely to eventually destroy our planet but it could take a long time for that to happen. In the meantime, we could have a nuclear world war and wipe out the population before climate change could do so. Read Less

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  4. CleverTiger3

    Global warming is a pressing issue, but it is extreme to say that it is the most significant threat to humanity. There are many other front runners for that position, such as nuclear weapons,, …Read MoreGlobal warming is a pressing issue, but it is extreme to say that it is the most significant threat to humanity. There are many other front runners for that position, such as nuclear weapons, pandemics, cybersecurity attacks, political instability, or resource depletion. No one can be certain that it is the most threatening, even if it is a major concern. Read Less

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  5. SensibleHalibut1

    Global warming is increasingly becoming an issue and slowly becoming a significant threat to humanity, it is increasing the risk of skin cancer, other skin related issues, and other cardovascular …Read MoreGlobal warming is increasingly becoming an issue and slowly becoming a significant threat to humanity, it is increasing the risk of skin cancer, other skin related issues, and other cardovascular issues. However to say that it is the the most significant threat might be a little off. There are other more pressign issues that are directly harming humanity currenctly, including terrorism, inequalities, and other environmental disasters. While global warming might be the biggest issue in a few years, it is not the most significant threat as of now. Read Less

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  6. WittyDeer4

    I think global warming is a major issue however its ultimate consequences are farther away making it feel less significant among other threats to humanity like nuclear and cyber warfare.

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  7. BraveZebra5

    While global warming is a major issue and a possible existential threat, it is difficult to determine just how many secondary issues and/or risk factors it will exacerbate. It is my belief that a …Read MoreWhile global warming is a major issue and a possible existential threat, it is difficult to determine just how many secondary issues and/or risk factors it will exacerbate. It is my belief that a serious response to global warming should focus not on slowing the process- it may be too late anyway- but to attempt to find ways to adapt; it must not be considered a significant threat by political leaders because serious collective action seems impossible. Read Less

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  8. DeterminedLobster4

    Global warming is definitely the most significant threat to humanity because, without the Earth, none of the other issues matter. This issue threatens everyone, not just subsections of the population.

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