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November 3, 2024

Is it crucial for there to be a global standard for air quality to protect public health?

Total votes: 13


  1. PatientSeahorse6

    I think that a global standard for air quality would be good to protect public health. A global standard is not a requirement for each country but would be good to strive towards. Many countries and …Read MoreI think that a global standard for air quality would be good to protect public health. A global standard is not a requirement for each country but would be good to strive towards. Many countries and places have poor air quality which does affect people’s health so having a global standard would help their populations have a better quality of life. The global standard for air quality while again not being a requirement would be good as this would have good impacts against climate change. The global standard giving countries and places something to strive for would be good as we fight against climate change and improve people’s health. Read Less

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  2. ResilientDog

    Given the importance of air quality for public health, a global standard or goal to work towards could be a good idea.

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  3. LuckyDeer2

    Yes, the United Nations ought to get involved and help regulate bad actors internationally. However, there should be no overbearing framework. I think it should be agreed upon by the UN General …Read MoreYes, the United Nations ought to get involved and help regulate bad actors internationally. However, there should be no overbearing framework. I think it should be agreed upon by the UN General Assembly and put for a vote. That way it can be democratic. Read Less

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