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February 27, 2024

Is it necessary for public education to include programming and coding courses?

Total votes: 5


  1. CheerfulMagpie

    Programming and coding is quickly becoming one of the most vital skills in the modern workforce. Those who possess this knowledge are able to more easily get a high-paying and in-demand job. We are …Read MoreProgramming and coding is quickly becoming one of the most vital skills in the modern workforce. Those who possess this knowledge are able to more easily get a high-paying and in-demand job. We are moving towards a society that relies on technology for everything we do. There are very few people in our nation that do not use modern-day tech in some way or another. This means that to best prepare our students programming and coding is essential. It also ensures that the US remain competitive on the international stage. It would allow our nation to remain at the forefront of innovation and development. Read Less

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  2. CuriousPanda2

    While programming and coding courses are becoming increasingly useful in today’s world, I am unsure if it should be considered a requirement in public education. It should absolutely be an elective, …Read MoreWhile programming and coding courses are becoming increasingly useful in today’s world, I am unsure if it should be considered a requirement in public education. It should absolutely be an elective, and perhaps even emphasized for students, if the resources are available. If these classes are made mandatory, what other subjects would have to be removed to provide the space? Many schools have classes that focus broadly on technology, which may be designed in the future to incorporate programming and coding to some degree as well. Read Less

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