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May 4, 2024

Is it necessary for the international community to establish a unified response to the ethical use of surveillance technologies?

Total votes: 2


  1. GraciousElephant5

    Yes! Surveillance can be very dangerous if not used ethically,

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  2. FearlessHusky1

    Yep, it is necessary to agree on what we consider ethical. However, I think there is a problem similar to the one regarding the moratorium on mass destruction weapons poll from yesterday. Which is the …Read MoreYep, it is necessary to agree on what we consider ethical. However, I think there is a problem similar to the one regarding the moratorium on mass destruction weapons poll from yesterday. Which is the enforcing of these responses and regulations.
    Smaller countries would be pelted down if they use this surveillance technologies unethically. But the international community would not be able to stop world powers from doing so, or, as it often happens, they would justify their actions on the “greater good”.
    So, yeah, these global restrictions are not an equal thing for all countries.
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