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April 10, 2024

Is mandatory voting a good solution for low voter turnout in democracies?

Total votes: 3


  1. GraciousElephant5

    Yes. It works in Brazil, where I’m from.

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  2. CuriousPanda2

    While mandatory voting would certainly increase voter turnout, it would be difficult to monitor in a country this size. How could we enforce it equally for all citizens, and what would the …Read MoreWhile mandatory voting would certainly increase voter turnout, it would be difficult to monitor in a country this size. How could we enforce it equally for all citizens, and what would the consequences be for failing to vote? This also poses issues for those who cannot make it to the physical polls because of illness, lack of transportation, and so forth. Mandatory voting may only increase the number of mail-in ballots, which could spark debates about legitimacy down the line. Read Less

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  3. HappyDuck

    I think that because voting is a right that we all have, everyone should have the decision to take advantage of that right. If people do not want to vote or use their voice to make political change, …Read MoreI think that because voting is a right that we all have, everyone should have the decision to take advantage of that right. If people do not want to vote or use their voice to make political change, they should not be forced to. Read Less

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