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April 13, 2024

Should censorship on the internet be more strictly enforced to protect against harmful content?

Total votes: 3


  1. FearlessHusky1

    I don’t think censorship is the right word. Most pages or platforms do have rules and clauses that prohibit harmful content in their Terms of Agreement. Which all users have to accept.
    In spite of
    …Read MoreI don’t think censorship is the right word. Most pages or platforms do have rules and clauses that prohibit harmful content in their Terms of Agreement. Which all users have to accept.
    In spite of this, there is a lot of harmful content going around on mainstream apps and platforms. So, companies need to improve their content detection algorithms and encourage users to report harmful content.
    I think there needs to be more effort put into detecting and taking down harmful content, and companies need to be held accountable when they continuously fail to do so.
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    Upvote 1
  2. GraciousElephant5

    I believe there should be more regulation, but not political censorship.

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