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April 27, 2024

Should governments have a say in algorithmic decision-making in industries like finance and healthcare?

Total votes: 3


  1. GraciousElephant5

    Yes. Healthcare and finance are issues that impact society as a whole.

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  2. SvgBeast610

    Depends on what their influence would be. It should be a decision made on a case-by-case basis. Finance and healthcare should be open to cater to the needs of the individual and too much influence by …Read MoreDepends on what their influence would be. It should be a decision made on a case-by-case basis. Finance and healthcare should be open to cater to the needs of the individual and too much influence by the government could limit the ability of companies to do so. I would need to see the proposals first. Read Less

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  3. FearlessHusky1

    I don’t think governments should have a say in this. It is not their job to pick apart the how, instead governments must held these industries accountable when this algorithmic decision making has a …Read MoreI don’t think governments should have a say in this. It is not their job to pick apart the how, instead governments must held these industries accountable when this algorithmic decision making has a negative impact on the population.
    Because, sure, industries are free to use these algorithms, however they have a responsibility to corroborate, analyse and supervise this process and pull the brakes when something is not quite right.
    But, again, that is the responsibility of the people in charge of the different industries and not the government.
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