Daily Report
Biden’s fading campaign is creating a Democrat nightmare
The title itself demonstrates bias against Biden, by referring to his presidential campaign in a negative manner. More of the bias against Biden is evident when he states, "One thing is certain: the confusion perfectly captures the helter-skelter mess Biden has created. His misbegotten presidency amounts to a long list of major failures and he should have had the sense a year ago to pass the torch." The author then speaks negatively of Democrats by writing, "If you are a Trump-hating Democrat, you are probably having trouble separating your nightmares from reality." Later, he pushes the idea that Biden will drop out of the race, writing, "Make no mistake — it will be an exit from the race. He’s running out of time and options..." Here, the writer insists that Biden will drop out, when on reality this has not been confirmed.
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I agree the title itself is quite troubling along with many quotes which you mention that are incredibly biased and negative.