Daily Report
The article discusses Trump's desire to gain the Panama Canal back from the country of Panama. The article says that China has a growing influence in Panama because the country was going to have infrastrcture built by Chinese companies. This however does not mean that there was an influence of China considering the US and China both use the canal. The US actually did influence the Panama government by getting them to cancel those infrastrcture contracts. The article discusses the history of the canal but not how a new treaty would be the best for the American people. The article does not discuss how much it would cost the US to maintain security down there, the money to repair and maintain the canal. The article discusses how Trump could demand for a new treaty and pull the US out of the treaty it has with Panama. However, the article does not discuss what could happen from pulling the US out of the treaty and if that could harm the United States. The most troubling part of this article is how it does not talk about the opposing side of how it could be bad for the United States and what happens if the United States takes control. The article relies on how good it would be for the US to gain control of the Canal but does not discuss the other side of the coin.