Daily Report

May 2, 2024

NYPD bodycam video shows officers breaching Columbia University building taken over by anti-Israel protesters

Why Troubling News:

This is concerning to me due to the clear bias displayed. Instead of recognizing the removal of students who were peacefully protesting, the author chooses to focus on the minute fact that some of the protesters were not students.


  1. FearlessHusky1

    It’s also interesting that the article calls them “anti-Israel” protesters, but there was no indication of them raging against Israel or anything like that, I mean, no burnt flags or anti-Semitic …Read MoreIt’s also interesting that the article calls them “anti-Israel” protesters, but there was no indication of them raging against Israel or anything like that, I mean, no burnt flags or anti-Semitic chants, which you would expect in an anti-something protest.
    They want to show these people in a bad light, because they seem “pro-Palestine”, which sounds a lot nicer and less threatening.
    Well, and as you said, they decided to focus on this non-student “evil” group instead of the reason of the demonstrations. Totally biased and misleading.
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