Daily Report

June 18, 2024

Where is my chair? Bizarre moment Jill covers her mouth as Joe suddenly bends down during the 80th anniversary D-Day speech.

Why Troubling News:

The article in the Daily Mail claims that President Joe Biden mistakenly tried to sit down in a chair that wasn't there - attributing the mistake to his old age. However, the video evidence for this claim is doctored to make this seem like it happened when it did not. The article aims to show that Biden is confused in his old age, hinting that he is unfit for the job of president. However, the basis for this claim is false.


  1. HappyMountain Lion1

    This sort of misinformation is pervasive and only worsened with the use of AI. In this situation, Joe Biden seems to be bending over to speak with Jill Biden, which was edited to seem like he was …Read MoreThis sort of misinformation is pervasive and only worsened with the use of AI. In this situation, Joe Biden seems to be bending over to speak with Jill Biden, which was edited to seem like he was awkwardly trying to sit during a ceremony. The authors of the article don’t care whether the claims are true, as they will stick with the audience permanently whether fact-checked true or false. This is a clear example of the threat of misinformation. Read Less

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