Daily Report

September 3, 2024

Why a Platform Is Poison for Kamala Harris

Why Troubling News:

I think the article is troubling because it embraces a new rhetoric that has started since the DNC that Harris has no policies. I think saying such things is unfair considering the fact that as a party, the Democrats published a platform which means these are the policies Harris would establish if she was to become President. It is understandable that she has not been expansive when it comes to talking about her policy but she has mentioned initiatives for housing and how she would dictate foreign policy.


  1. PlayfulMagpie

    While the writer demonstrates much more professional writing and language, as well as trying to tackle a concern that, in honesty, does need to be addressed and talked about, the writer does do little …Read MoreWhile the writer demonstrates much more professional writing and language, as well as trying to tackle a concern that, in honesty, does need to be addressed and talked about, the writer does do little more than to try and erase a benefit of the doubt from Kamala Harris and instead tries to paint her as a problematic candidate based on hunches rather than clear evidence. Read Less

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