Leon County judge blocks Florida's 15-week abortion law from taking effect

Jul 01, 2022 View Original Article
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    -12% Somewhat Liberal

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    76% Extremely Conservative

  • Politician Portrayal

    40% Negative

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Contributing sentiments towards policy:

51% : During earlier testimony, Dr. Shelly Tien of Jacksonville, said, "Abortion is a very common procedure.
50% :Tien, among the plaintiffs in the case, is a maternal-fetal medicine specialist who performs abortions with Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida.
49% : But Florida's constitutional right to privacy, approved overwhelmingly by voters in 1980, adds certain safeguards that Planned Parenthood and others argue should halt the new 15-week ban.
46% :Florida's new abortion has gained heightened attention since the U.S. Supreme Court last Friday overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, stripping away federal constitutional protections for abortion and potentially leading to abortion bans in half the states.
45% : A Florida Atlantic University poll in May found that 67% of Floridians think abortion should be legal in all or most cases.
45% : A separate lawsuit also has been filed in Leon County Circuit Court by a South Florida synagogue, L'Dor-Va-Dor, that alleges the 15-week restriction violates religious freedom.
41% : More on lawsiut: Florida's new 15-week abortion ban challenged as violation of state privacy rightsWhere abortion now stands in Florida: The fall of Roe v. Wade: Five questions about abortion access in FloridaPlanned Parenthood affiliates in Florida and allied organizations sued this month to block the law, approved by the Legislature as HB 5.
41% : Even two years ago, they chose not to challenge a new parental consent law signed into law by the governor, fearing it could lead justices to determine the privacy right no longer applied to abortion.
39% : In its precedent-setting, 1989 "T.W." ruling, the state Supreme Court overturned a parental consent law for minors seeking abortion, saying it violated that privacy right.
38% : "There's no dispute that plaintiffs currently offer abortions after 15 weeks and that they'd be forced to stop that under coercion of the threatened criminal and licensing penalties that HB 5 carries," said Whitney White, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union, representing Planned Parenthood.
37% : Leon County Circuit Judge John Cooper ruled that the restriction would clash with earlier state Supreme Court rulings which concluded that abortion is protected by the Florida constitution's right to privacy.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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