Trump's legal fees are sky-high. An elaborate PAC scheme is helping pay them -- for now

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Published Mar 24, 2024
Source Analysis Score
The Source Analysis Score focuses on assessing the quality of sources and quotes used including their number, lengths, uniqueness, and diversity.
80% ReliableGood
Bias Rating
The Bias Rating is computed based on a number of factors including bias loaded words, sentiments towards certain political policies, author bias towards politicians, and the amount of tone found in the article.

10% Center




Somewhat Liberal


Somewhat Conservative






*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

Policy Leaning
The policy leaning score is derived from author biases for or against a certain political policy, as found in articles.

10% Center




Somewhat Liberal


Somewhat Conservative






*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

Politician Portrayal
The politician leaning score is determined by the author's tone and leaning towards the specific politician mentioned in the article.

98% Negative

Overall Sentiment

43% Positive

Opposite Viewpoint

Reliability Score Analysis

The Reliability Score of the article is determined on a percentage score basis from 0 to 100%.

  • Opposite Sources as Poor for the lower number of sources with different viewpoints.
  • Unique Sources as Excellent for a very high number of different sources.
  • Multiple Sources as Excellent for a very high number of total sources.
  • Multiple Quotes as Excellent for a very high number of quotes used in the article.
  • Quote Length as Good for a higher number of words used in each quote.

Bias Score Analysis

The A.I. bias rating includes policy and politician portrayal leanings based on the author’s tone found in the article using machine learning. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral.

Policy Leaning Analysis

This article includes the following sentiments, providing an average bias score of 10% Conservative:

  • 1 positive sentiment and 10 negative sentiments for Trump Impeachment.

Politician Portrayal Analysis:

This article includes the following Politician Portrayal sentiments, providing an average sentiment of 98% Negative and bias score of -98% Liberal:

2 negative sentiments and 3 positive sentiments for Joe Biden
16 negative sentiments and 6 positive sentiments for Donald Trump
1 negative sentiment for Marco Rubio
1 negative sentiment for Nikki Haley


Civil Rights
Trump Impeachment


Joe Biden
Donald Trump
Marco Rubio
Nikki Haley


  •   Liberal
  •   Conservative
10% "Trump and the RNC:""
4% "Trump led Biden by two percentage points in a USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll March 13 poll.""
0% "Since Wednesday, Trump's main fundraising arm has sent messages to supporters saying, Democrats want to seize my properties, referring to New York Attorney General ..."
-2% "The Jan. 6 Committee dinged Trump for fundraising for an Official Election Defense Fund in the days after the 2020 election, when the fund ..."
-20% "But Trump has more recently used his legal issues to ask his supporters for money, with the money going to a fundraising vehicle that ..."
-20% "The Democratic National Committee, which is helping re-elect Biden, also continues to outpace the Republican National Committee, where Trump loyalists have taken hold.""
-22% "Lara Trump says Republicans are willing to pay Donald Trump's legal billsGoing forward, Trump will need a new fundraising scheme to pay his legal ..."
-28% "I think both sides are going to have a lot of money, but if Trump has to divert a lot of his resources to ..."
-30% "Save America, started days after Trump lost the 2020 election, is a type of fund called a leadership PAC that can only accept $5,000 ..."
-32% "While public records can't say what, specifically, law firms are being paid to do, records show Save America has paid more than 70 different ..."

We have listed the top 10 sentiments. More sentiments do exist. Please review the full article for more information.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.




Somewhat Liberal


Somewhat Conservative






Contributing sentiments towards policy:

55% : Trump and the RNC:
52% : Trump led Biden by two percentage points in a USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll March 13 poll.
50% : Since Wednesday, Trump's main fundraising arm has sent messages to supporters saying, "Democrats want to seize my properties," referring to New York Attorney General Letitia James' ability to seize his personal assets if he fails to pay the $454 million judgment in the Trump Organization case.To stave off collection while he appeals that verdict, Trump is required to put up the $454 million or a bond for it by Monday, which his lawyers described as a "practical impossibility."
49% : The Jan. 6 Committee dinged Trump for fundraising for an "Official Election Defense Fund" in the days after the 2020 election, when the fund didn't exist and instead went to Save America.
40% : But Trump has more recently used his legal issues to ask his supporters for money, with the money going to a fundraising vehicle that currently pours into his 2024 campaign and Save America.
40% : The Democratic National Committee, which is helping re-elect Biden, also continues to outpace the Republican National Committee, where Trump loyalists have taken hold.
39% : Lara Trump says Republicans are willing to pay Donald Trump's legal billsGoing forward, Trump will need a new fundraising scheme to pay his legal bills.
36% : "I think both sides are going to have a lot of money, but if Trump has to divert a lot of his resources to his legal problems that's money that's not going to be spent on getting out the vote," said Conant, who worked on U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio's presidential campaign in 2016.
35% : Save America, started days after Trump lost the 2020 election, is a type of fund called a "leadership PAC" that can only accept $5,000 per election cycle from each donor, but has few restrictions on how it spends money.
34% : While public records can't say what, specifically, law firms are being paid to do, records show Save America has paid more than 70 different lawyers and law firms, and many are listed on court paperwork representing Trump in his civil and criminal cases.
33% : The numbers show that Biden's campaign is sitting on $37.5 million more cash than Trump's, meaning that if the former president hadn't spent more than $64 million on legal bills, and had instead put the money in his campaign account, he would have more money in the bank than the current president.
32% : It's more money than MAGA Inc. has spent on independent expenditures, such as advertisements for Trump and against opponents like South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, since it started in 2022.
27% : The enormous legal bills have caused Trump to fall behind in 2024 campaign fundraising, both in his own funds and the funds of the Republican National Committee, which is now under pressure to help Trump out of his legal jeopardy.Republican consultant Alex Conant said money matters less in presidential politics than it used to.

*Our bias meter rating uses data science including sentiment analysis, machine learning and our proprietary algorithm for determining biases in news articles. Bias scores are on a scale of -100% to 100% with higher negative scores being more liberal and higher positive scores being more conservative, and 0% being neutral. The rating is an independent analysis and is not affiliated nor sponsored by the news source or any other organization.

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