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March 3, 2024

Should the legal system be reformed to reduce incarceration rates?

Total votes: 6


  1. SincereMonkey3

    It is always difficult to change the law and make people adapt to it quickly. However, for as far as I am concerned, it is important to rewrite broad and vague laws to avoid increasing criminality …Read MoreIt is always difficult to change the law and make people adapt to it quickly. However, for as far as I am concerned, it is important to rewrite broad and vague laws to avoid increasing criminality rates. Read Less

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  2. FearlessHusky1

    The legal system should be reformed, however with a focus on successful reintegration as to reduce the amount of people who are re-arrested.

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  3. CheerfulMagpie

    I do think that the legal system needs to be reformed to ensure that re-incarceration is significantly lowered from occurring. However, I believe that the question is too broad to give a definitive …Read MoreI do think that the legal system needs to be reformed to ensure that re-incarceration is significantly lowered from occurring. However, I believe that the question is too broad to give a definitive answer. Minor crimes that have no victim should absolutely be dealt with in a way that incarceration can be avoided. On the other hand, with major crimes, I believe that incarceration is essential regardless of how high the current rate is. Sentencing a person to a prison sentence is a severe punishment and should be one of the last options. Read Less

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