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April 19, 2024

Should urban planning prioritize green spaces and eco-friendly designs?

Total votes: 4


  1. GraciousElephant5

    I personally think so. Being environmentally friendly in a big urban town is essential.

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  2. FearlessHusky1

    I think it depends heavily on the country and its needs. However, I think governments should focus more on tackling the growing housing crisis. If they can include green spaces and eco-friendly …Read MoreI think it depends heavily on the country and its needs. However, I think governments should focus more on tackling the growing housing crisis. If they can include green spaces and eco-friendly designs into that, great; if not, then projects still need to move forward to mitigate the housing crisis. Read Less

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  3. HappyDuck

    Green spaces and eco-friendly designs are not only good for the environment but also good for the mental health of the people who live in otherwise urban settings.

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