Daily Report

January 14, 2024

Jeffrey Epstein List Names

Why Troubling News:

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding the Epstein case, particularly because people fail to research or read the case documents themselves. I think that a lot of people read lists such as the article provided and assume that every person who was associated with Epstein had the same level of involvement in the crimes he was committing.


  1. CheerfulMagpie

    I agree that the level of misinformation surrounding the Epstein list is alarming. It sets a dangerous precedent to automatically assume everybody that the billionaire had on his list was involved in …Read MoreI agree that the level of misinformation surrounding the Epstein list is alarming. It sets a dangerous precedent to automatically assume everybody that the billionaire had on his list was involved in trafficking and sexual crimes. This is a particularly sensitive news stories that needs the viewers full attention and research. Fake news could potentially destroy lives. Read Less

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